BSC Classic: One Meta to Bring it All Back

A project designed to bring the BSC community back together

Meet BSC Classic

BSC Classic is not just another meme; it's an homage to the original spirit that bonded our community together. BSC Classic seeks to reignite the old flames of the BSC community, reminding us all of the golden days of 2021. Weekly votes on ecosystem buybacks allow $BSCC holders to determine where liquidity flows on chain. While partnerships with a wide range of projects (both old and new) reward active participants within the community. $BSCC represents a new, unified step forward for the BSC community.


Total Supply

1B is the Total Supply

20% in Team Sale/Marketing

30% in PinkSale

50% in PancakeSwap liquidity


Each buy and sell transaction is taxed at 5%

1% for liquidity

2% for marketing/partnerships

2% for the community buyback wallet

LP Locked

All initial LP has been locked for an entire year

Ownership of the contract has been renounced meaning fees can never be changed


Votes will be held to determine which ecosystem project will be bought by the buyback wallet each week

Votes will be held via Telegram, gatekept by CollabLand to ensure fairness in our processes

100% of the buyback tax collected that week will be used to buy said token

Our Roadmap

Reigniting a community is not an easy job. Check out our roadmap to see what we have planned to get us there. There’s a lot on the way for BSC Classic.

Phase 1

Website Launch

Twitter Launch

Telegram goes public

PinkSale Listing

Phase 2

PancakeSwap Listing

Liquidity Locked and Ownership Renounced

CoinGecko and CMC Listings

Marketing Begins

Phase 3

Ecosystem Partnerships Announced

Voting Channel Opened to Holders (CollabLand)

First Buyback Vote

First Community Buyback

Phase 4

To be Unlocked

To be Unlocked

To be Unlocked

To be Unlocked


Given that our team has worked on several projects in the past, we understand more than anyone how much potential lies within the Binance Smart Chain ecosystem. Our goal is to harness that energy to bring the OG BSC community back together.

We know you've been waiting for another BSC season, longing for fresh buyers and enthusiastic supporters to rally behind your community. That's why we've created BSC Classic – a token designed to reignite the BSC community and revive the excitement that brought us all together in the first place.

With the current meme cycle in full swing, the time is ripe for BSC Classic to step in and capitalize on the opportunity to reunite the community. Our mission is simple: to leverage the power of memes, nostalgia, and the shared passion for BSC projects to create a unifying force that will reconnect us all.


How do I buy $BSCC?

In order to get $BSCC we recommend downloading Metamask! You can find their desktop extension and set up a wallet through their website Once you have your wallet set up, you can use this handy guide to set up Binance Smart Chain on your wallet!

Next, you're going to need to set up a Trust Wallet. You can download their app here: Trust Wallet. Using Trust Wallet, make sure to buy some Smart Chain BNB.

Once you have that BNB with your Trust Wallet, go ahead and send that to your new Metamask address which you can get by copying directly from your browser extension.

Once you have BNB loaded in your Metamask, you're ready to trade on PancakeSwap!

Head over to

What is the contract ID?

Contract ID:0x5b29CFaa67D64050d3533D793107B36aDCd2067D

When listings?

Rest-assured, every listing imaginable is being applied for. Check the roadmap to see where we're starting, but as the marketing wallet begins to collect funds, you will start to notice BSC Classic everywhere.

What sets $BSCC apart?

Though there are thousands of memes competing for market share on Binance Smart Chain, $BSCC is committed to bringing the entire community together. This is done through strategic partnerships within the ecosystem, as well as weekly buybacks on your favorite projects.